It’s a wrap!!
The 2nd Annual Meeting of NEWFEED Project took place with great success on 19th & 20th of June 2023, in Athens at National Technical University of Athens premises!
During the 1rst day of the meeting, the progress of WPs 1, 2, 3, and 4 was presented and next steps were decided, while the day closed with a visit to NTUA’s facilities, where the experiments to produce grape stem-based ingredients (case study 1) take place. Afterwards, the partners enjoyed Athens by night, dinning to a great restaurant close to Athen’s centre.
The 2nd day was dedicated to administrative and financial management issues presented by the coordinator David San Martín Errea AZTI, which were discussed in detail among partners and the EU officers.
Next annual meeting will take place in Cairo, Egypt! Thank you National Technical University of Athens for the great hospitality!
Have a look here.